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Updating the SDK​

It is essential to stay on the latest version of the Loom SDK. The latest version of the SDK can be found here.


setup for StandardSDK​

The SDK uses the createInstance function with the following parameters to return the SDK object on versions 3.2.0 and above. The setup function is being deprecated.

Type signature
type SetupFunction = (a: {
mode: "standard";
publicAppId: string;
environment?: Environment;
config?: Partial<SDKConfig>;
}) => Promise<SDKResult>;

An example setup for the standard SDK:

Type signature
const instance = createInstance({
mode: "standard";
publicAppId: "abcde12345";
config: { insertButtonText: "hello world" };

setup for CustomSDK​

Type signature
type SetupFunction = (a: {
mode: "custom";
jws: string;
environment?: Environment;
config?: SDKConfig;
}) => Promise<SDKResult>;


Enables the execution of the recordSDK.


modeThe type of SDK you are implementing
publicAppIdThe key that provides access to an SDK workspace for the domain from which the record button is served. Only available in StandardSDK
jwsThe key that provides access to an SDK workspace for the domain from which the record button is served. Only available in CustomSDK
environmentAn optional param indicating which env the SDK is running. "development", "testbench", "staging", "production"
configA Partial of an SDKConfig


An SDKResult object wrapped in a Promise.


Type signature
isSupported(): Promise<{
supported: boolean;
error: SDKUnsupportedReasons | undefined;


Identifies if the browser that is trying to run the recordSDK has the necessary web APIs required to perform a recording.

(Deprecation Warning) Import method:​

With the release of v3.0.0, isSupported can only be imported from its own bundled module at @loomhq/record-sdk/is-supported.

Importing isSupported from @loomhq/record-sdk will be deprecated.

Import Method
// v3.0.0 and after
import { isSupported } from "@loomhq/record-sdk/is-supported";

// Before v3.0.0
import { isSupported } from "@loomhq/record-sdk/is-supported";
// OR
import { isSupported } from "@loomhq/record-sdk";




An object with the following properties:

supportedRepresents if recordSDK is supported by the browser
errorSee SDKUnsupportedReasons—will be undefined if supported is true



Type signature
type ButtonFn = (a?: {
element?: HTMLElement;
hooks?: Hooks;
}) => SDKButtonInterface;


A function used to connect a specified DOM element to the recordSDK.


elementDOM element to attach SDK
hooksDEPRECATED Use ButtonEmitterEvents in place of hooks


An SDKButtonInterface object.


Type signature
interface ButtonEmitterEvents {
"bubble-drag-end": (pos: Position) => void;
"bubble-drag-start": (pos: Position) => void;
"bubble-move": (pos: Position) => void;
cancel: () => void;
complete: () => void;
"insert-click": (video: LoomVideo) => void;
"lifecycle-update": (state: SDKState) => void;
"recording-complete": (video: LoomVideo) => void;
"recording-start": () => void;
start: () => void;
"upload-complete": (video: LoomVideo) => void;


Events that can be listened to when registered on an SDKButtonInterface instance. See Adding event listeners to see example of usage.


bubble-drag-endEvent emitted when camera bubble dragging has ended—pos arg is Position of bubble
bubble-drag-startEvent emitted when camera bubble dragging has begun—pos arg is initial Position of bubble
bubble-moveEvent emitted when camera bubble is moved-pos arg is Position of bubble
cancelEvent emitted when recording is cancelled
completeEvent emitted when user has selected finish recording
insert-clickEvent emitted when insert CTA has been selected—video arg is LoomVideo available after recording
lifecycle-updateEvent emitted when lifecycle state change with SDKState as arg
recording-completeEvent emitted when recording is ended (video upload may be in progress)—video arg is LoomVideo
recording-startEvent emitted when video capture has begun (after 3..2..1 countdown)
startEvent emitted when user has selected start recording
upload-completeEvent emitted when the recording has finished uploading to Loom—video arg is LoomVideo


Type signature
interface LoomVideo {
id: string;
title: string;
height: number;
width: number;
sharedUrl: string;
embedUrl: string;
thumbnailHeight?: number;
thumbnailWidth?: number;
thumbnailUrl?: string;
duration?: number;
providerUrl: string;
autoTitleStatus?: IntelligenceAvailableStatusType;
autoDescriptionStatus?: IntelligenceAvailableStatusType;
description?: string;
autoChaptersStatus?: AutoChapterStatusesType;
autoChaptersCount?: number;
chapters?: string;


Object representing a loom video which becomes available after recording.


idVideo id
titleVideo title
heightVideo height in pixels
widthVideo width in pixels
sharedUrlURL for sharing video
embedUrlURL for embedding video
thumbnailHeightHeight of video thumbnail
thumbnailWidthWidth of video thumbnail
thumbnailUrlURL of video thumbnail
durationVideo duration
providerUrlURL of video provider
autoTitleStatusThe status of an auto generated title
autoDescriptionStatusThe status of an auto generated description
descriptionVideo description
autoChaptersStatusThe status of an auto generated chapters
autoChaptersCountThe number of auto generated chapters generated, 0 if disabled
chaptersVideo chapters


Type signature
interface Position {
x: number;
y: number;


Position of an element on the screen—specifically used for the camera bubble.


xx coordinate in pixels—0 is bottom of the screen
yy coordinate in pixels—0 is left-most side of the screen


Type signature
interface SDKButtonInterface extends EventEmitter<ButtonEmitterEvents> {
openPreRecordPanel: () => void;
closePreRecordPanel: () => void;
moveBubble: (p: Position) => void;


Object containing methods for the SDK to be programmatically interacted with. Fulfills the NodeJS EventEmitter definition and contains methods such as .on which listens to registered ButtonEmitterEvents.


openPreRecordPanelProgrammatically opens the pre-record panel
closePreRecordPanelProgrammatically closes the pre-record panel
moveBubbleProgrammatically moves the camera bubble—p arg is target Position of camera bubble

Also contains properties of EventEmitter class.


Type signature
interface SDKConfig {
allowedRecordingTypes?: RecordingType[];
bubbleResizable?: boolean;
defaultRecordingType?: RecordingType;
disablePreviewModal?: boolean;
enableOnboardingTutorial?: boolean;
enablePictureInPicture?: boolean;
insertButtonText?: string;
styles?: SDKStyles;


Properties a user can set to customize the recordSDK experience.


KeyDescriptionDefault value
allowedRecordingTypesAllowed recording types for the SDK. For example, if you want to only allow screen and camera recordings, you can specify that here.["screen_cam", "screen", "cam"]
bubbleResizableWhether a user can update the video bubble sizetrue
defaultRecordingTypeThe default selection for recording type. If allowedRecordingTypes is specified, must include this default type in the list. If unspecified, defaults to Screen and Camera"screen_cam"
disablePreviewModalWhether the preview modal at the end of the SDK recording should show up or not.false
enableOnboardingTutorialIf the onboarding tutorial should be enabled for the SDKfalse
enablePictureInPictureIf picture in picture should be enabledfalse
insertButtonTextThe text for the primary CTA in the preview modal"Insert recording"
stylesA Partial of a SDKStyles{}


Type signature
interface SDKStyles {
fontFamily?: string;
fontUnitSize?: string;
recordButtonColor?: string;
recordButtonHoverColor?: string;
recordButtonActiveColor?: string;
primaryColor?: string;
primaryHoverColor?: string;
primaryActiveColor?: string;


Override default styles to personalize the recording experience. Each field can take a valid CSS value for the corresponding property.


fontFamilyThe font-family used in the record menu
fontUnitSizeThe base font unit size used to calculate the font size for the text
recordButtonColorThe record button background color (default: orange)
recordButtonHoverColorThe record button mouse hover color
recordButtonActiveColorThe record button active color
primaryColorThe primary color (default: blurple) - this will override the 'insert' button background color
primaryHoverColorThe primary mouse hover color
primaryActiveColorThe primary active color


Type signature
enum SDKState {
Closed = "closed",
PreRecording = "pre-recording",
ActiveRecording = "active-recording",
PostRecording = "post-recording",


An enum of the lifecycle state of the recordSDK.


closedSDK has loaded but is not being used
pre-recordingPre-recording panel is open
active-recordingRecording is in progress (pausing recordings is a part of this state)
post-recordingRecording has finished and preview modal is open


Type signature
type SDKResult = {
configureButton: ButtonFn;
status: () => {
state: SDKState | undefined;
success: boolean;
teardown: () => void;
updateConfig: ({ config }: { config: SDKConfig }) => void;


An object returned from the setup function to configure the recordSDK.


configureButtonSee ButtonFn
statusFunction returning an object with a success property—a boolean of whether the SDK successfully loaded—and a state property—either anSDKState member or undefined if success is false
teardownIMPLEMENTATION IN PROGRESS Cleans up the instantiated SDK in the background and should be called when the button that triggers the SDK is removed from the DOM
updateConfigFunction that allows you to update any part of the SDKConfig at any point


Type signature
enum SDKUnsupportedReasons {
IncompatibleBrowser = "incompatible-browser",
ThirdPartyCookiesDisabled = "third-party-cookies-disabled",
NoMediaStreamsSupport = "no-media-streams-support",


An enum containing reasons why the recordSDK is not supported on the user’s browser.


incompatible-browserBrowser is not supported
third-party-cookies-disabledUser’s third party cookies are disabled
no-media-streams-supportMediaStream functionality is not available